Notes from inside the suit

It was like an outer-body-but-in-Barney’s-body experience.  I’m talking about my blessed hour in a raccoon mascot suit.  5 hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes huh? Well you haven’t lived until you put in some time in one of these babies.

Was I thrilled from the moment I got the news that I’d be visiting a local elementary school as a masked rodent? Not exactly.  There was a pout here and a gnash there and although I never wanted to be “that” librarian I definitely had this fleeting thought: ‘Dress up in a who and do what?? Dude! I have a Master’s Degree!’   Nonetheless I put on the suit and walked into the school and boy am I glad I did.

Children (especially the kind that you, yourself don’t hafta feed, clothe and make something of) are such a joy.  Haven’t gotten your 15 minutes? Put on a mascot suit and go to an elementary school! I felt like Beyonce or Beiber! The kids showered me with such adoration and applause! I may not have to see my therapist this month!

So I’ll give you a quick and dirty (librarian term) report:

  • If you ever agree to get in a mascot suit (and you must), make sure the fan inside the head works.  Mine didn’t and I had a waterfall of sweat rolling down my face the entire time. When I was beside myself with heat and sweat my assistant pulled me to the side and threw cold water from her water bottle through the mesh eyes and onto my face Basketball Wives style.  Between my mascara and the sweat and water I still looked like a raccoon when I took the head off.
  • If you ever agree to get in a mascot suit (and you must), you gotta pay special attention to that one kid, the one that looks a little more disheveled and neglected that the rest.  They’re the one who really needs you to be their big, giant, caring, non-creepy bear.
  • If you ever agree to get in a mascot suit (you know the drill), you might want to check out this or that to get prepared.  Blowing kisses and waving is all good but a mascot who Crip walks? #winning
  • If you ever agree to get in a mascot suit make sure that they just, recently, some time this century dry cleaned it.  I learned this one the hard way amigos.  I smelled a faint sourness putting the suit on but  when I emerged the sourness was all the way turned up and my whole body smelled like athletes foot. I felt like I need to be tested for e-coli.
  • Kids can really feel good vibrations.  Every teacher I encountered said that this is the first mascot visit that didn’t elicit screams of terror from the tots.  #pureloveoverhere

Can’t give you pictures of me as Rocky the reading rodent because I can’t associate my (perhaps) off colored ramblings with my Library’s image but I can assure you I came, I waved, I Rockied the house.

Raccoon w bow

I make this look good!

With a bleep, bleep here and a bleep, bleep there!

Day 38!!!

Ok. I censored the post before and chose another title when the book lottery served a little lasciviousness.  I thought about doing that with today’s title but, dangit the lottery has spoken and I will sanitize no more.  Yes, I’m a tad puritanical by today’s standards (as proof of this, I actually said ‘Oh my’ when today’s book title popped up.  If I had pearls I might’ve clutched them).   Without further ado…

Lullaby...and goodnight...

Bibliographic info:

Go the fuck to sleep 

Mansbach, Adam

Akashic Books, 2011

Summary (Library Website):

Go the Fuck to Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don’t always send a toddler sailing blissfully off to dreamland. Profane, affectionate, and radically honest, California Book Award-winning author Adam Mansbach’s verses perfectly capture the familiar – and unspoken – tribulations of putting your little angel down for the night. In the process, they open up a conversation about parenting, granting us permission to admit our frustrations, and laugh at their absurdity.

My Reaction:

Me being an insider to the biblio world (I’m a librarian. No autographs please.), I remember hearing about this book well before the mainstream media got a hold of it.  Like most people my 1st reaction was  “Thats horrible! how can you send your kids to bed with those being the last words they hear before they drift into la la land?!” But I must admit I’ve warmed to the idea a little.  If we slip an expletive or two into our exchanges with our kids in their waking hours, why not throw some in for good measure just before bed? Kidding. Kind of.

But seriously, I doubt anyone is reading this book to their kids.  I think the author bills it as a kids book for adults, kind of like that one Carrie Bradshaw pitched to an editor called “Little Cathy and Her Magic Cigarettes”.  Remember that episode? Good times.  Anyway the book is well written, beautifully illustrated and f@#*&’ hilarious.


And I didn’t touch a book all day #moretolibrariesthanshelving

Day 24 and you’re back for more! 😀 (Don’t get use to those funky fresh rhymes. A girl can only give so much of herself!)

In honor of the 8th Annual Library Day in The Life Project which I learned about from my school chum’s blog, I’m gonna throw my hat in the ring too.  Because if I had a nickel for every time someone asked me “don’t you get tired of reading/shelving books all day?” I’d have—well I’d have roughly $1.35.

Fiscal matters aside, in this post I’ll outline what I did yesterday (since today is kinda just un-folding and my goal is to post before noon. The early blogger gets the reader. Or so I’ve heard) and then I’ll finish up the post with the Dewey details.

So here goes:

9:30-9:45 AM – Arrived at work. Cued up the Pandora. Put on the pot of Joe.

9:45-10:00 AM – Made sure the classroom was in order for part of a tour/presentation I’m giving.  Got handouts in order. Made changes to flash cards for speech.

10:00-11:30 AM – Greeted group of 35 from another County Agency and gave them tour/presentation.

11:30-12:00 – Returned to desk and checked emails. Did blog entry 😀

12:00-12:30 – Did quick search for some resources on entrepreneurship for one of the members from the tour.  Met with one of the tutors for the Adult Literacy Program that I coordinate

12:30-1:30 – Did stats (entered them on Access database) for various library programs

1:30 – 2:00 – Lunched with sister friend and author of this bloggy goodness!

2:00 -3:30 – Staffed the public service desk (serving the public in all its many splendours)

3:30 – 4:00 – Completed Monthly Narrative/Report to be submitted to supervisor

4:00 – 4:30 – Met with Volunteer Services coordinator re: an Adult Literacy Tutor who’ll be working with my program

4:35 – Left the building!

She looks like she's leaning with it and rocking with it. That or catching The Holy Spirit.

Bibliographic Information:

Myths and civilization of the Ancient Romans
Malam, John, 1957

New York : P. Bedrick Books, c1999

Summary (Library’s website):

This book offers readers a beautiful blend of history and mythology – providing a new approach to exploring the Ancient Romans. This book retells a selection of important myths, using dramatic illustrations and supplementing them with historical and cultural information, including realistic maps and diagrams.

My Reaction:

No time to read/skim this one.  Don’t you see how busy my days are?! 😀

Quattro Libri, not to be confused with Nacho Libre

Days 14,15,16,and 17. What can I say? I’ve been a slacker 😦


The librarian’s guide to homeschooling resources

Scheps, Susan G.

Chicago, IL : American Library Association, c1998

Librarians. They can rock you world if you let em.

Summary (Library website):

As the number of homeschooled children in this country rises, the public library can be an excellent resource for parents who prefer to educate their children at home. In this new guide, Scheps (Homeschoolers and the Public Library: A Resource Guide for Libraries Serving Homeschoolers, Public Library Assn., 1993) gives librarians tips on serving the homeschool population and information on existing programs. Part 1 presents problems librarians face when serving homeschoolers, background details on what a homeschooler wants from a public library, homeschooling laws, and eight sample programs from libraries in the United States

My Reaction:

Pretty good listing of resources.  A tad dated but still applicable.



Dupré, Judith

New York : Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers : Distributed by Workman Publishing Co., c1997

Love a picture book.

Summary (Booklist Review):

The unusual size of this album–a foot and a half long by a half-foot high–evokes the elongated structures that it extols. To illustrate the dozens of bridges Dupre selects, she uses two-page spreads, featuring a beautiful black-and-white photo, often a vintage nineteenth-century image, and pairs it with a page of inset pictures and text summarizing essential facts of design, construction, and history. Eye-catching book design is the essence here, and although bridge enthusiasts have more detailed sources of knowledge, such as Henry Petroski’s Engineers of Dreams (1995), they will demand a visual feast at some point. Dupre serves up the celebrity spans, naturally, but she also displays bridges that don’t loudly brag about themselves, for instance the humble iron-truss bridges one sees in rural America. Because of its shape, this book will be hard to shelve so displaying it seems to be the best option–and the cover of the Brooklyn Bridge in its cathedral-like magnificence ensures that many patrons will stop in their tracks and look.

My Reaction:

What a beaut this book is!  Beautiful photography. Its a big-un too.  Bridges fascinate and frighten me.


Wiring 101 : 25 projects you really can do yourself

 Carter, Jodie

Chanhassen, Minn. : Creative Pub. International, 2006

For me the terms 'do it yourself' and 'wiring' don't feel right together.

Summary (Library website):

Black & Decker? Wiring 101 takes the mystery (and nervousness) out of routine home wiring repairs and projects. It includes 25 of the most common projects and repairs and gives readers everything they need to know to finish each project safely, quickly, and with perfect results. Projects are arranged in order of complexity to help readers build confidence, from removing a broken light bulb to adding track lighting to installing a ceiling fan.Presuming no experience or expertise, Black & Decker? Wiring 101 will guide the would-be DIYer step-by-step with clear, jargon-free text and detailed color photos. Readers will learn exactly how to turn the power off safely and how to assemble and use a basic collection of wiring tools. This book will remove the intimidation factor from household wiring projects and allow readers to save money and make satisfying improvements.

My Reaction:

Just because there’s a DIY book for it, doesn’t mean you should DIY. I’m gonna leave the wiring to the pros.


Italian made simple

Jackson, Eugene

Doubleday, 1960

If you get this book you can go to the Jersey Shore try out your Italian on Paulie, Snooki et al. Yeah right.

Summary (Library website):

For almost four decades, Made Simple books have set the standard for continuing education and home study.

My Reaction:

The book cover makes me want pizza for lunch. Mama Rosa’s here I come!

749.7 STEP right up and DIY

Welcome to Day 2 of a Dewey A Day!!!

Bibliographic Information:

Step-by-step Frame it Yourself : Matting & Framing

Creative Publishing International

Summary (Library Website):

Readers can achieve professional results and enjoy substantial savings by learning to frame artwork themselves. This handy resource discusses designing, preparing, and assembling mats and frames and details all the necessary tools and materials. 175 photos/illustrations.

Get with the program. D.I.Y.

My Reaction:

This book is old so there may have been major changes, I’m talking leaps and bounds, to occur in the framing industry.  State of the art stuff.  You really can’t take your eye off the ball in the exciting world of carpentry.

Condescending tone aside 😀 I really do like this book.  And I learned a new word.  And  if you tuned in yesterday you know how I feel about that. And hey!! For my WWF  (Words With Friends) people or even my HWF (Hanging With Friends) people these word gems that I drop on you might be your ace in the hole one day!


rabbet– A step-shaped recess cut along the edge or in the face of a piece of wood, typically forming a match to the edge or tongue of another piece.


You too can mat multiply!

Good word right?! Anyway this is a short read at 59 pages.  And when you’re done you’ll know how to frame a mirror, do a raised or multiple mat and frame a needle point—Oh Lord.  I’m a librarian pushing needle point.  Will the granny-ness ever cease?  Ah well.  Hope you kiddies learned something! Don’t forget to get some hard candy outta the candy dish on your way out.  You might need a chisel.  And hand me my Bengay will ya?

photo from Ivan Tutorga flickr

The portal to the rabbit hole is in my purse

Anchal*, this really old Indian woman who works in my building gave me this “special breed” tangerine.  We we’re on the elevator .  “Happy Holidays” she said with (was it? yes it was) an almost imperceptible conspiratorial nod and a mirthful twinkle in her eye.   She also gave me a mini Hershey bar.  I ate the Hershey right away.  Who doesn’t eat a Hershey’s right away?

The orange, on the other hand,  gave me pause; which is why it’s still in the vast wasteland otherwise known as my purse.  I mean what kinda trip was Anchal tryina send me on with this “special” orange?  While I pondered whether I should enjoy the pulpy holiday gift I did a photo shoot of it.  It was a a slow day at work and I have lots of construction paper at my job.  I’m a Librarian. Construction paper is par for the course in La vie en Bibliotheque.

it really is a lovely orange...

but I see your 'true' colors too. mmm hmm.

*Names have been changed to protect the enchanted Indian woman who’s been working at the Library for centuries.

Focusing on Day 11 of the 30 day blog challenge

What’s in your makeup bag?

  Ok so this is whats in my ‘makeup’ bag:

1) a jumble of receipts. what can i say? receipts are comforting. they can provide an alibi should you need one (what? it’s hard out here for a Librarian). also they’re like money–essentially they’re the money that you spent that you really shouldn’t have been spending.  you don’t really need those blue zebra print sunglasses do you? RETURN!

2) hand sanitizer. who cares what all the medical nay sayers  say re: the effectiveness of this glorious goop.  it’s become as american as apple pie and as ubiquitous as Rihanna Beyonce  Rihanna so i think the people have spoken.  if i have my hand sanitizer i’m happy, if i’m happy i’m less likely to contract a cold or a flesh eating virus.  massive gap in logic? perhaps. the bottom line is don’t mess with my hand sanitizer.

3) my Carmex. winter, spring, summer or fall i gotta have it.

4) i usually have mascara and Kohl but my Kohl is missing.  i suspect foul play involving a certain 12 year old priss pot.

5&6) palmers coco butter and some other lotion. why the lotion and the back up lotion? i’m black. and so are most of the people around me.

that’s all for this edition!  what are your must haves? share! maybe (just maybe) i need to up my makeup bag game.

the vessel from whence my complex beauty regime springs!