Love Languages: The 6th Element

Many of us are familiar with the 5 love languages which include: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts.

For me, talking about Love is like dancing about science. I mean… sure you can attempt it…but will you really get it right? Don’t get me wrong, the 5 love languages are great; the one that resonates most with me is the words of affirmation language. But honestly, I never felt that my preference of giving/receiving love fit squarely within any of the 5 given realms. So…

Allow me to introduce a 6th possibility. Bearing Witness.

Arguably, this language could be seen as an extension of the words of affirmation language or even the acts of service language.

By my definition, this language is characterized by open hearted observation of those within your circle of care. The spirit of this observation is not critical or harsh, but its rooted in seeking understanding of that individual. Understanding their motivations, their struggles, their strengths, their own particular way of shining.

This keen observation, this witnessing, allows for a fuller celebration of those that we love. As well as a fuller gratitude to The Most High for blessing us to have these folks in our lives.

Those extraordinary women who have the capacity to make room for so many… I call them expansive women, like my Beloved Grandmother Clementine Hagood. Those exceedingly benevolent folks who keep a loving heart despite hardships and incredulously lower the wing of forgiveness to those who have wronged them. Those wordsmiths who so ardently convey our joy, and illuminate even the darkest of times and spaces with their ability shape words. Those steadfast folk who consistently and un-selfishly offer their time and talent to uplift others. The artists. The teachers. The Scientists. The Visionaries. The prayer makers–and it must be said–showing love through offering focused, faithful devotion to The Most High is (in my book) a Love Language unto itself. The seekers. The sharers. The warriors. The reminders. The counselors. The healers. The Mothers.

I see you. I witness your works. I love you! I fully celebrate you! May the Most High be pleased with you!

What super-human acts/folks would you like to recognize?