Life on Tuesday got nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award!!!

This was such a pleasant surprise!!! Thanx a million to Miss Jey over at  She’s got a whip smart fashion blog over there.  She’ll make a fashionista of you yet! 😀

When given this honor you, the bestowed upon,  have to do a few things.  With VBA-dom comes great responsibility. I aint mad.

Here are the rules for the award:

1.Add the award to your blog.
2.Thank the blogger who gave it to you and include a link to their blog.
3.Mention 7 random things about yourself.
4.List the rules.
5.Give the award to 15 or more bloggers

Here are 7 random things about me:

1) I’m not a good gossiper.  Good gossiping requires the gossiper to remember details about past gossip sessions.  I’m horrible at remembering details.

2) I have my own crayons and coloring books (off limits to my kids).  They’re my Rx for stress relief.

3) I have a huge bag (the kind you get from Ikea) filled with un-matched socks. What gives?

4) I have a re-occurring dream about my high school English class.  The details are fuzzy though.  Told ya I suck at details.

5) I still have trouble remembering my 7 times tables.

6) I have a grandma named Queenie and a grandma named Clementine.  Both missed and loved with all my heart…

7) I’m not. that. innocent.

Be sure to check out these 17 Bloggers I’ve nominated:

  1. Hilarity and sage insights in Jamaican patois! Doesn’t get any better.
  2. This young man can write. If I do say so myself.
  3. My old school chum, a cataloging librarian. She’s living the dream! And blogging about it!
  4. Music reviews.  Smart music reviews.
  5.  She’s got heart and soul…
  6. Good stuff here. Unwanted house guest? Pshaw! Come over anytime!
  7. Sharp reporting from the front lines of cubicle-dom.
  8. She’s giving the people what they want…and slipping them what they need.
  9.  Carrie Bradshaw meets…Janey Glenn? This girl has a lotta fun. And writes about it pretty good too.
  10. She’s granola chick 2.0.
  11. Good vibrations.
  12. Funny, punny poems.
  13. She’s clever with the Photoshop.
  14. Muslim love stories.
  15. Funny guy + Smart guy (pop culture student guy) = this guy
  16. He’s from across the pond somewheres and he’s musing on life in the USof A. And I like it.
  17. She’s sweet and sage.

Focusing on day 9 of the 30 day blogging challenge

Picture of the last item you purchased:

These are mildly addictive for me. They’re a bad habit I picked up in high school. My best friend and I would pool our money to get two packs of these from the corner store when we got off the school bus.

Depending on the day, I was either pooling my money with Jax to get these cookies, or pooling my money with another good friend, *Diedre, to get the two wings & a biscuit special from Churches. Metabolism is wasted on the youth I tell ya.  Anyway there’s a story behind why I was so hungry and it involves some salacious details like homeroom, teen angst and classism…but maybe that’s a story for another time.

*names were changed to protect the folk who may wish to keep private the fact that they frequented said establishment. Viva la Churches!