Love Languages: The 6th Element

Many of us are familiar with the 5 love languages which include: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts.

For me, talking about Love is like dancing about science. I mean… sure you can attempt it…but will you really get it right? Don’t get me wrong, the 5 love languages are great; the one that resonates most with me is the words of affirmation language. But honestly, I never felt that my preference of giving/receiving love fit squarely within any of the 5 given realms. So…

Allow me to introduce a 6th possibility. Bearing Witness.

Arguably, this language could be seen as an extension of the words of affirmation language or even the acts of service language.

By my definition, this language is characterized by open hearted observation of those within your circle of care. The spirit of this observation is not critical or harsh, but its rooted in seeking understanding of that individual. Understanding their motivations, their struggles, their strengths, their own particular way of shining.

This keen observation, this witnessing, allows for a fuller celebration of those that we love. As well as a fuller gratitude to The Most High for blessing us to have these folks in our lives.

Those extraordinary women who have the capacity to make room for so many… I call them expansive women, like my Beloved Grandmother Clementine Hagood. Those exceedingly benevolent folks who keep a loving heart despite hardships and incredulously lower the wing of forgiveness to those who have wronged them. Those wordsmiths who so ardently convey our joy, and illuminate even the darkest of times and spaces with their ability shape words. Those steadfast folk who consistently and un-selfishly offer their time and talent to uplift others. The artists. The teachers. The Scientists. The Visionaries. The prayer makers–and it must be said–showing love through offering focused, faithful devotion to The Most High is (in my book) a Love Language unto itself. The seekers. The sharers. The warriors. The reminders. The counselors. The healers. The Mothers.

I see you. I witness your works. I love you! I fully celebrate you! May the Most High be pleased with you!

What super-human acts/folks would you like to recognize?

COVID scribble 4.12.2020: Platforms & Parasites

by Asha Z. Hagood

If we listen, I think we’re being invited to meditate on our connectedness.  Study the ways that we’re symbiotic. And rectify the deficiencies in our  codependent relationships. Jordan Peele’s US presented each of us as tethered to a deprived (depraved?) counterpart. Current movies Parasite and The Platform both present us stacked on top of one another, accentuating the need for the the ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ dwellers to keep their humanity in tact.

God, Creator of everything real and imagined, has introduced this plot twist into our lives–COVID 19.  In this production there are many players. Blue collar essential workers, who are suddenly glorified and venerated as integral cogs in the-wheel-of-everything (when all along their cries for a living wage has fallen on deaf ears). White collar essential workers, doctors and health care providers.  Black people, who find themselves uniquely predisposed–caught between the rock of this fearsome virus and the hard-place of their preexisting conditions.  I first thought of the virus as a great equalizer but alas, even the weight of it is not evenly distributed.

Everything could go on relatively unchanged. After this jarring moment dissolves into a sense of normalcy, the world could return to business-as-usual. The sense of community and philanthropy that has emerged could evaporate, the health care industry could continue to ignore the disparities present in their care delivery,  red-tape and bureaucracy could muck up the gears of any progressive machinery that actually centered on wellness and wholeness for all.

But of course it shouldn’t.  If you’re paying attention I think you’d see that the old way is not sustainable.  Reflect on this statement from Tupac Amaru Shakur:

“I see the ground is the symbol for the poor people; the poor people is gonna open up this whole world and swallow up the rich people…”.

This discomfort were all feeling seems all encompassing, the ultimate trial, surely nothing could eclipse this hardship right?  Maybe. And maybe there could be darker moments ahead if we don’t rise to the challenge with an eye towards a more equitable future for all.  Maybe this is just the prelude to the ground swell and erupting chasm that Tupac talked about.

But we have a chance. Lets all pay attention and insist on fundamental shifts. Because if we’re paying attention, the message is this: the alternative, turning a blind eye to the least of these, propping up capitalism and enabling the status quo will yield horrific results.

This is a test. Let’s choose to pass. I know we can.


COVID scribble 3.20.2020: TVs & toenails

by Asha Z. Hagood

We’re all very aware of our bodies. How’s my throat…my stomach…my head…my chest…my right pinky toe nail??

We ask each other how we’re feeling.  A good habit which should be sustained. I do wonder though.

How different would this moment in time look if we didn’t have soooo many sources of media and so many ways to consume it? This steady force-feeding of (well meaning?) information… What if we were all crowded around our one set, getting news from one authoritative and responsible source?? It wouldn’t be all news-all-the time, maybe we wouldn’t know how and when Karen in Indiana contracted the virus or the death toll in Russia. But would we have more peace of mind?

Its the great equalizer. Senators. Tom Hanks–Mr. Nice. Idris Elba–Mr. Mashallah. (lol!) Both received this diagnosis: Covid positive. We should note that we’re all subject to His Will.  We have the same amount of power over the wholeness and wellness of our lungs and pinky toes today as we did a few months ago.  Which is to say relatively none.  We’re all equally vulnerable. We’re all in the same gang.

This isn’t to say throw caution to the wind. By all means “have faith, and tie your camel”. Have faith and wash your hands and turn off the news for a while.


COVID scribble 3.18.2020: comedy & change

by Asha Z. Hagood

These are surely interesting times.  In the earlier days, let’s say mid to late February, the jokes and memes came fast and furiously.  Sometimes they were a comfort, but sometimes there was a small voice that wondered would we give this the import and take the precautions needed if we were so busy laughing.  I think we’re managing both. Comedians and content creators keep the creativity and joy coming please and thank you.  Today I danced with Debbie Allen via a live Instagram class. We body rolled and paid in sweat yall!!

I find myself wondering about nature.  Plants and animals are always engaged in worship…always tuned in.  What do they know right now?  As I wheel the recycling bin to the back of the house, I catch a glimpse of the tiny chameleon that lives inside of the old brake rotor on our back patio.  His brown, perfectly matches the ruddiness of the rusted car part.  If he lived there when the rotor was a  slick, dark silver did he mourn and lament having to make the adjustment? How will we change and bend in response to these times?  Will we find the perfect shade?

chameleon pic

No love for Nova?

Self absorption irks me.  It’s grating to see others indulge in it and especially grating when I’m guilty of it myself.  All that to say, Miss Nova Bordelon on OWN’s Queen Sugar series–who some might say is the poster child for self-centeredness–has tap-danced on my nerves more than a few times.

Her latest antic that has the culture’s collective bloomers in a bunch is the publishing of her tell-all memoir.  If the Bordelon’s family secrets were a big ol’ 5 gallon jug of ice tea she spilled every drop.

Did she spill it for the hell of it?  personal gain? with malice?  I reject all of those notions.  This is a very unpopular opinion in most comment threads and chat rooms.  Most hold that Nova exploited her families personal tragedies in pursuit of literary fame.  Nova, ‘worr’some’ as she can be, is brilliant and creative.  She could have written something else, but she was struck with a deep abiding need to do this work and write this story.

In addition to being a creative she’s a healer. That’s been established.  She saw writing this book as an intersection of 2 of her gifts…writing and healing.  I imagine that she envisioned that telling their stories from where she stood could help them all toward the various healings they needed.  I think she thought too that examining the intricacies of each of their paths could help her toward her healing as well.   I’m reminded of that  line from The Color Purple film where Celie’s father turns to her and said “You bet not never tell nobody but God…it’d kill you mother”.

That line always stuck with me. He effectively imprisoned Celie, the secret bearer, with her shame.  Yes, give those secrets and burdens to God…but also consider giving them room to spread out, unfold and transform in other healing spaces as well.  Sometimes that’s what God wants for us.  So yes, I think Nova was guilty of a few things: overstepping her bounds,  airing dirty laundry and talking family business in mixed company… and there were casualties.  But I think she did it in the spirit of having the bold, jarring, alarming truth set everyone free.



life support

as a youngin, sometimes deliberately… but more often just haphazardly falling into my self, poetry and writing saved my life as often as i needed her to. why haven’t i engaged in this self-care more often in my adult life? well that’s a whole ‘notha post… but this poem fought its way to the fore…so here it is.

buried treasure –by asha zenzi

our skin, my skin

‘diabolic dye’…Phillis wheatley penned

one minute weighs a metric ton

next minute, light as cotton spun

they see it locked, they see it loaded, looming & black,

gun blast exploded…humanity eroded…Tamir…Trayvon…Philando…Sandra…Bryonna

the loss? i’m enraged to behold it…

but damnit they might like your look!

(God help you)

big and black on stages and fashion books!

bought and bossed and…on the hook…should be shook…it would have me shook…

wet coat heavy or featherweight when with kin

from one moment to the next, this is the skin i’m in.

image of rapper Mystical

here i go!

Enriching learning through collaboration

Online learning is sought after for its perks–convenience and flexibility are chief among them.  However, it is not without its challenges.  The lack of interaction and socialization could deter some students from attempting this type of learning experience.  Palloff and Pratt note that “the online environment can be a lonely place…students and faculty alike report feelings of isolation when working online” (2007).   Collaborative activity can help diminish those feelings of isolation by “purposefully connecting learners with one another through various learning activities”  (Palloff and Pratt, 2007, p. 158).

Respond to the following:

Collaborative activities are often incorporated into the curriculum for online courses.  Group work facilitates learner-to-learner interaction which can enrich the learning experience.  There are some challenges associated with collaborative work in the online setting.  Give 2 challenges and offer a strategy for addressing those challenges.  In light of those challenges, is it worth it to incorporate collaborative assignments into the coursework? Why or why not?

Post your initial discussion input by Wednesday.

By Sunday, read through your colleagues postings and respond to 2 or more of them by:

  • asking a question
  • elaborating on a point they raised
  • offering a suggestion from personal experience


Learner-to-learner interaction provides another layer to the educative experience. Photo from

Access the discussion post rubric here.


Palloff, R., & Pratt, K. (2007). Building online communities: Effective strategies for the virtual classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 

Plagiarism Detection and Prevention

These insights were gleaned from a video of industry experts, Dr. Palloff and Dr. Pratt discussing effective methods for dealing with plagiarism in distance education.

  • What plagiarism detection software is available to online instructors?

Tools like Turnitin, Duplichecker and Paper Rater are available to instructors.

  • How can the design of assessments help prevent academic dishonesty?

The instructor should design robust assessments that require depth of thought as opposed to one-word answers.  These assessments should require an application of the concepts at hand so that the instructor can observe the student’s individual thought process.  This type of design deters academic dishonesty because word-for-word plagiarism of this type of assignment would be very easily detectable.

  • What facilitation strategies do you propose to use as a current or future online instructor?

I like Dr. Pratt’s method of allowing collaborative work even for cumulative assessments.  I would employ a similar practice encouraging students to use any resource that they deem valuable and relevant.  Facilitating becomes less critical with the types of expository writing assessments I previously discussed.


Image retrieved from

  • What additional considerations for online teaching should be made to help detect or prevent cheating and plagiarism?

Instructors should preempt any cheating or plagiarism attempts by empowering students–that is making them aware of resources like the institution library and/or writing centers.  These resources can ensure that students have a working knowledge of how to properly cite, paraphrase etc.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Plagiarism and cheating [Video file]. Retrieved from

Impact of Technology and Multimedia

Here is a brief examination of the impact of technology and multimedia in online learning environments.

  • What impact does technology and multimedia have on online learning environments?

Technology has a very prominent role in online learning environments.  It is the avenue through which the content is presented, demonstrated and or delivered.  Boetticher advises that an instructor in an online environment should “focus on essential tools and build your…course around those tools” (2010, p. 57).

  • What are the most important considerations an online instructor should make before implementing technology?

An online instructor should first examine the content, give some thought as to how that content would best be communicated, and then select tools which lend themselves to that.  She shouldn’t seek to implement tech tools simply because of their availability and He should devote time to the mastery of those tools.

  • What implications do usability and accessibility of technology tools have for online teaching?

I think its a foregone conclusion that tech tools would be incorporated into an online learning experience.  Ideally the tools should be chosen wisely and be seamlessly integrated into the experience with the instructor having a mastery of the tools and anticipating any usability and accessibility problems students might encounter.

  • What technology tools are most appealing to you for online teaching as you move forward in your career in instructional design?

I am definitely in favor of any tool that helps lessen the transactional distance (the theory of Transactional Distance states that as the level of interaction between teacher and learner decreases, learner autonomy must increase) thus aiding and facilitating the learning progress.  That said, I’d make good use of audio and video lecture resources and synchronous collaboration tools.

The use of technology is integral to the online learning experience–it can either positively effect the course by providing stand-ins for face-to-face elements or it can negatively effect the course if the tools are convoluted and tax the cognitive process thus taking the learner’s attention away from the material at hand.


Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Culatta, R. (2013) Instructional Design Retrieved from

Setting Up An Online Learning Experience

The following responses have been derived from the resources listed in the bottom of the post.

  • What is the significance of knowing the technology available to you?

It is important to know the technology available to you so that you are able to apply the right tools to achieve what ever instructional effect you want. The Boetticher text submits that while getting acclimated with all of the applications at your disposal might be daunting and take some time, “these tools make it possible to design almost any experience that you [may] have designed for your face-to-face environment” (p. 58, 2010).

  • Why is it essential to communicate clear expectations to learners?

It is essential to communicate clear expectations to learners so that they can approach the course and proceed with confidence.  The text explains that “unambiguous guidelines…make a significant contribution to ensuring understanding and satisfaction in an online course” (Boetticher, p. 55, 2010).  If the learner doesn’t know what is expected of him it is highly likely that he will have a hard time finding focus and very unlikely that he’ll arrive at the learning outcomes.

ID course creation pic

  • What additional considerations should the instructor take into account when setting up an online learning experience?

The instructor should understand that just as a f2f course is dynamic and might change as a result of student’s needs or other factors, online course “[go] through a gradual process of refinement” and it could take “about three cycles of teaching a course for it to be fully developed” (Boetticher, p. 63, 2010).  They should bear this in mind as they set up and implement an online learning experience as that awareness and responsiveness could contribute to making the course that much better.   I discussed the importance of clear expectations, the text also lists “presence, community and patience” (p. 53, 2010) as essential themes for course beginnings.  The instructor should make it clear that he/she is present and available; they should be patient with learners who may be new to the online experience and the increased responsibility that the learner assumes and they should foster an environment rich with discussions and ideas.

To successfully launch an online learning experience ample thought should be given as to the type of environment you are facilitating.  Is it inviting, challenging and exciting or flat and impersonal?  As the experts in the Launching the online learning experience video submit, the first couple of weeks are very critical in guarding against attrition.  Providing engaging icebreakers, coming across as approachable, human and knowledgeable are all key factors in laying the foundation for a solid course.   I learned that the introduction and icebreaker elements of the course are integral pieces of the course machinery and shouldn’t be approached as throw away bits.


Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Launching the online learning experience [Video file]. Retrieved from